Bring Indonesia into Your Home and School!
Are you a student interested in cultural exchange and global friendships? The IndoAustay Southbound Program offers a unique opportunity for your family to host an Indonesian student, giving them a chance to experience life in Australia while attending school alongside you.
Why Host an Indonesian Student?
Cultural Exchange: Share your way of life while learning about Indonesian traditions, language, and culture.
Friendship & Understanding: Build lasting international friendships and promote intercultural understanding between Australia and Indonesia.
Enhance Your Language Skills: Improve your Indonesian language skills through everyday conversations.
A New Perspective: Gain insights into a different culture and broaden your global outlook.
How It Works:
Your family welcomes an Indonesian student into your home for a short-term homestay.
The student will attend your school and participate in daily family activities.
IndoAustay provides support to ensure a smooth and rewarding experience for hosts and students alike.
Who Can Host?
Families in Victoria with a student at secondary school, usually Year 10 or 11, who can act as a host sibling.
Enthusiastic individuals who are open to cultural exchange and willing to provide a welcoming environment.
IndoAustay programming decisions are based around advice from the Victorian Registration Qualifications Authority (VRQA) and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

IndoAustay Southbound Student Exchange
Each year IndoAustay facilitate a group of up to 20 Indonesian students to travel to Victoria and experience a six week homestay with an Australian family. The students are matched with a host brother or sister and attend the school of their host. Attendance at school is primarily a cultural experience giving Indonesian students an opportunity to experience Australian school life, and to develop ongoing relationships with people beyond the immediate host family.
Placement of Indonesian students occurs in metropolitan Melbourne, and surrounding regional areas of Victoria.
The opportunity to host Indonesian students has been highly regarded by Australian students studying Indonesian. Improved language skills, greater cultural and geographical understanding and strong ongoing people to people relationships are outcomes highly valued by Australian host students, their families and their schools.
Schools or faimilies interested in hosting Indonesian students should complete the form below or contact IndoAustay at: