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Australia Indonesia Association Victoria

AIAV is an organisation for people with links to or an interest in Indonesia. Its membership is a diverse mix of Indonesian and Australian people. Many members are either fluent in or currently studying Indonesian language. Social activities held throughout the year include dinners with guest speakers, malam ngobrol (conversation evenings) and film nights. AIAV conducts weekly Indonesian language classes and, through an affiliated company, runs language immersion and student exchange programs. Members receive a bi-monthly newsletter.


Click the button to visit the AIAV website.  

The mission of the Australian Indonesian Association:

“To foster and promote friendship, understanding and good relations between the peoples of Indonesia and Australia.”



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Not for profit exchange and immersion between Australia and Indonesia

IndAustay logo

1/32-34 Canterbury Road

Blackburn South

VIC 3130, Australia


CN 134 389 129

ABN 46 134 389 129

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IndoAustay Ltd a not-for-profit volunteer-operated public company limited by guarantee of AIA Victoria AIA of NSW

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